Deprecated versions
· One min read
Please find below some important information about Bacula-Web deprecated versions
Deprecated versions
Bacula-Web prior 8.4.2
Community users running Bacula-Web prior 8.4.2 are really encouraged to upgrade to at least version 8.4.2 as previous versions suffer of several Smarty PHP template engine security issues (see list below)
Bacula-Web prior 8.0.0
Bacula-Web prior version 8.0.0 suffer several SQL injection and XSS vulnerabilities (see CVE-2017-15367 and CVE-2014-8295 for more details).
Due to security issue mentioned above, I'd strongly recommend you to use at least Bacula-Web version 8.0.1.
A big thanks to Gustavo Sorondo for his help to fix those security issues.